Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Price of Mistakes

Yesterday, The Boy had a follow up appointment with his Surgeon; which meant a trip to Ann Arbor.  Road trips also mean lunch out, normally not a big deal for me anymore.  Not the case yesterday.

The Boy's Surgeon pronounced that he was ready to graduate to more solid foods, including burgers and perhaps even attempt a steak.  There was much happiness and rejoicing (on The Boy's part) and my wonderful son immediately announced he was famished and in need of sustenance!  To be precise, he wanted a Burger!  Off we went to Red Robin (he was allowed to choose the restaurant).

I had not yet recovered from my prior day's meltdown.  Particularly because I had another small one shortly before we left for the appointment.  Someone very close to me and I had a disagreement during which I was informed that my moods were all over and I needed to be medicated.  Hmmmm, didn't think things were that bad!!  Anyway . . . . I was not really thinking very clearly and ordered a burger as well!

It isn't as horrible as it sounds!  This particular restaurant allows you to substitute a Boca patties for the meat, although I still ate the bun.  The big problem?  The fries.  I admit it, I caved.  I had a HUGE moment of weakness and ate the damn fries!! 

They tasted divine!   For the short time we were in the restaurant, they tasted like a bit of heaven to me.  Then during the car ride home , they turned on me.  Do you know they cook those stupid things in grease?

My stomach started sending death threats to my brain and my entire system went in to some sort of bizarre shock.  I'm not kidding, I think my body went into a small rebellion against me!  I spent the rest of the afternoon and night in agony!

Remember the old saying:  "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips?"  I do believe that my body just rewrote it.  Now it should read something like "A moment on the lips, spend eternity in hell!"   It's the next morning and my body is still not happy with me!

I guess that is the cost of the french fries from now on.  Know what?  NOT WORTH IT!!!  I do believe I shall go put a nice morning smoothie in my tummy and begin to make amends.

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