Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Passion

It's Sunday, so let's get the housekeeping out of the way first.

Weigh in results:

The Boy - +2 lbs - which is a good thing as he is beginning to be able to eat again.
Amazingly wonderful Husband (the title still holds from yesterday's shopping spree):  Stayed the same.  Which is a good thing.  He is building muscle - his arms are getting really ripped!
Me:  -2 lbs!  Yea me!!  (I'm learning to be proud of my accomplishments - that feels good too!)
The new exercise plan seems to be rolling along too.  I'm hiking parking lots and this morning my mom, the boy, and I rode our bikes up to forage for breakfast at the market.  I took off ahead of them and left them in the dust - I wasn't even winded when I got home!  My evil plan seems to be moving along just fine!!

I believe I am becoming obsessed.  I know I was accused of that in a negative way before, but this time, it is much more positive.

I took an unexpected Sunday afternoon nap today and did not have time to plan my menu and shopping list as I normally would.  So, when The Boy and I went to pick Wonderful Husband up from work, I grabbed my trusty Dtour Cookbook, so I could find something for dinner.

The Cookbook went into Walmart with us as it was easier to get ingredients since we had the book with us.  As we were walking up to the entrance, I saw this very large gentleman, who was perhaps 5-10 years older than I was.  He was sitting in one of those scooter-cart things with his shopping.  He was also alternately coughing horribly and puffing on a cigarette.  I had the greatest urge to smack him over the head with my cookbook.  I was having visions of ripping the cancer stick out of his mouth and explaining to him why he needed to use the scooter!  I told my boys of my secret little thoughts as we passed this unfortunate soul, I did have to bite my tongue, though.

As we progressed through the store, my eyes seemed to be drawn to all these people who were in these scooter-carts or were huffing their way down the candy and cookie isle.  I passed one rather interesting discussion regarding the health benefits of Chocolate Ice Cream versus Cookies and Cream Ice Cream.  Once again my hand was itching on my cookbook.  I was having visions of it landing upside people's heads as I attempted (probably in vain) to get them to listen to reason!

I wanted to sit these people down, and explain the wonders of eating properly.  I wanted to introduce them to the Dtour lifestyle and show them that they didn't have to be confined to the dopey scooters anymore!  I wanted to let them know how easy it was!  How great the food was!  I mean come on, can these people really be happy??!!  I don't think so.

If they would only try it for a week, they would begin to feel so much better, that those feelings alone would become enough of a motivator to get them to do another week!

I look at these people with their children loading up their carts and all I can see is a perpetuation of a horrible cycle.  Do they really want their children to feel as horrible as they do?  It is so simple to do this plan!

I have spoken to a lot of people about Dtour, I guess that I did not realize until today, how truly passionate I am about it.  This works!  This really, really works!  I am 44 pounds lighter than I was on February 21st, I can walk a 5K and I can ride a bike a mile without being winded!  I am living proof that this works!

See what I mean?  I think I'm out of control!!


  1. Just remember, dear Katie, that you were not always on this path of enlightenment...and others are on their own paths, and walking at their own speed.

  2. I know, but it's so hard when you see people in such trouble and you know you could say something to help them!

    Alas, they have to be ready to hear it. I guess if you are sitting in a parking lot in a scooter, puffing on a cigarette with your basket full of Twinkies, you are not ready to listen. *Sigh*
