Sunday, July 18, 2010

Has anyone seen my chin?

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."
Robert Kiyosaki
That was the quote on the Dtour site today when I pulled it up.  I thought it was quite fitting and have been thinking about it all day.  

Weigh in Day has been suspended until next week due to the fact that our scale seems to have lost it's little computer mind.  We put a new battery in it last night hoping to fix it, but no go.  You can get on it, walk into another room, come back, get on the scale again and have gained 4 lbs!  I lost 2 when I went into the kitchen to get a glass of iced tea.  While it is rather entertaining, it gives us no usable data.  We will do weigh in next week when we at a scale that works. 

I can report some progress though, I took a shower today and when I got out and looked in the mirror, I realized that I was missing a chin!  I still have a couple, but at least one of them is gone!  Poof, vanished!  Can I get a Woohoo for the missing chin? WOOHOO!!!!!!!

Maybe the trick to all of this is to concentrate on the positive things I am doing and the good changes I am seeing in myself and stop focusing on what others think and say.  I know, that is a lot easier said than done, but hey, why not?  I'm happy with what I'm doing, I believe in me, why should it matter if others don't?

I lost a chin today, that is a major accomplishment for me.  I can be proud of that.  But you have to wonder  . . . . What body part is next on the vanishing list?

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