Saturday, March 6, 2010

Working out with Bob and Leroy

So, this Dtour diet is so awesome that they even help you out with the exercise.  Part of the online program included a DVD with 3 different workouts.  One is a Cardio Walk, one is a workout designed to kick your metabolism in to high gear, and the third is designed to flatten your stomach - without doing crunches - ROCK ON!!!

Anyway, today while the guys were on grocery duty, I thought I'd try the DVD out.  It's actually really fun!  So, I'm doing the cardio walk thing and I looked down and there, sitting in front of me are Bob and Leroy, the family cats.  Their heads were cocked to the side and I swear, they were looking at me like I was nuts!  

Then, they had the nerve to look at each other!  If cats could talk the conversation would have gone something like this: "What is she doing?"
"I'm not sure, is she having a seizure?"
"I don't think so."
"She looks pretty stupid though."
"Yeah, but if you tell her, she won't feed you any treats."
"True, maybe we should just look interested."
Don't you hate it when animals make you feel crazy?

Feline tormentors aside, I made it through the workout and actually enjoyed it!  I'm feeling really good at the moment and am actually looking forward to getting on the scale tomorrow.  How weird is that?

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