My Grandmother always said I was flighty, my Debate Coach used to say I was a loose cannon. My Mom used to say I was impulsive and my Dad would just shake his head as his face turned red and the vein in his forehead throbbed.
I prefer the word Spontaneous! I've always thought I was free and open to new things. My husband thinks I have SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome). You know "Yes honey, I intend to pay the . . . .Oh look, a butterfly!" Shiny Object Syndrome.
A major part of the Dtour program is exercise. As you can suppose, from my weight, I have been a confirmed couch potato for quite a few years. The exercise seems to be my current problem issue. Now, any of you that know me, also know, I rarely let things stop me for long; I have a plan! (Hey, why is everyone running away?)
The way I have it figured, all I need is a goal, right? I can do a goal. Needing to lose an entire person is a lot, so I'm thinking the exercise goal needs to be equally as large, right? Ready? . . .
I'm going to enter a 5K - I'm going to get in shape and run or walk a 5K! Ideally before the end of the year. How long does it take to train from couch potato to 5K? How far is a 5K? We'll figure the details out later!
So that's the plan! What do you think? Anyone know anything about training for one of these things? I suppose I'll have to figure out how far it is first, then I'll need to figure out. . . .details later!
Watch out world - I'm going to skinny, fabulous and FAST!!!!
I bet there's folks where you walk at the high school that know how many times around equals a 5K. No idea. I suppose more and more of them are moving outside now that its getting nice.
Check this out..