Saturday, March 13, 2010


Why is is that nothing in life is ever as simple as you think it is?  You think you are doing something simple, losing weight.  Pretty straight forward, right?  Wrong - I'm actually beginning to think that losing weight is less about  the food that I am eating and more about Myron.  Who is Myron, you ask.  Remember that little demon I was talking about a couple of days ago?  I've decided to name him Myron.  He looks like a Myron, don't ya think?
My point is, that this process of walking through the Dtour diet, which is so amazing I can not believe it, has sort of forced me to evaluate why I was doing what I was doing?  How did I gain an entire other person?  What sort of idiot does that?

The kind of idiot who seems to spend her time "keeping the peace" .  My job, I've always thought, was to keep the peace.  I compromise, apologize and generally do whatever is necessary to maintain some sort of tranquility.  I never realized that the cost of tranquility was . . . Myron.

My new mission- destroy Myron - get in shape - support my friends who are supporting my effort in this endeavor - and find a new way to deal with STRESS!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. The twelve pound down update is amazing. Good job dear! Out with you Myron! OUT! and don't come back! You're not welcome here! ~a
