Monday, March 29, 2010

New tastes, New thoughts.

Remember those artichokes from yesterday?  Yeah, I've been thinking about them all day.  They were awesome!  Who would have known that something that bizarre looking would taste that amazingly wonderful?  That, of course, led to a discussion around here of how tastes change.

A month ago, I craved, chocolate, ice cream, chocolate, sweets, chocolate, bread, chocolate, flaky pastries to go with my morning coffee, chocolate, and well, chocolate.  Now, I'm craving artichokes and yogurt.

I am amazed at the things that are happening to me and the rest of the family.  I have more energy, I'm excited to sit down and eat at dinner and figuring out new foods to try has become a new challenge for all three of us.

There is no doubt about it, this is hard.  I think this is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.  I feel like I am fighting every minute of everyday against that little demon Myron.  Myron wants to hang around, he doesn't want me to find another way to deal with stress and difficulties, shoveling them all down my throat has worked just fine for him until now.

But I have never been one to do what others expect me to do, much to my elders' chagrin.  So everyday, I am trying to find something, anything, to make it worth pushing on through, worth driving by the ice cream stand, worth passing on the french fries I would dearly love to eat; and worth getting out and going for a walk when all I really want to do is curl up on the sofa and read a trashy romance novel.

I am learning that I am stronger than Myron, I am stronger than the ice cream, the donuts, and even the chocolate.  No gooey, sticky, sweet treats are going to sideline me . . . I'm in this until the end.

I can do this.  Know why?  Because . . . .


1 comment:

  1. we are still in here following !! xoxoxoxoxo
