Thursday, March 11, 2010

Losing stress and half a person.

Have you ever seen those charts that have height and weight ratios on them?  Seriously, who wrote those things?  Some sadist who runs a work-farm for supermodels?  As I was doing research last night, I ran across a few of those.  They are scary!

This morning as I was in the shower, I got to thinking about those charts and how much weight I really have to lose.  Here I am all excited about 3 pounds last week and I have more than 100 to lose.  I have to lose a whole person!  When did I become 2 people??

I have been going to physical therapy for a problem I have been having with my right arm for the last year and a half.  Tuesday, at therapy, I was told that I hold all my stress and tension in my neck and shoulders.  Funny, I thought I ate all my stress in the form of cake, chocolate and any other sweet I could find.

So, now I have this mental picture of an invisible pissed off person running around loose somewhere.  This person would be a little invisible demon who represents all the anger, frustration and stress I have shoved down my throat over the years.  Why is he invisible you ask?  Well, do you know where fat goes when you lose it off your body? It just sort of disappears.  Thus our little raging, frustrated demon is born.  What do you think we should name him?

Maybe a new motivation for me is to see how big I can make this raging little stress ball of a demon.  (Yeah, he needs a name.)  Maybe it isn't just fat, sticks of butter and roasts that I am attempting to rid myself of;  I'm also shedding years and years of weighty (pardon the pun) stress and anger.  This is a whole new outlook!!

Who cares about an ice cream stand, I have a pissed off invisible demon to shed!

1 comment:

  1. Now THAT is a very interesting perspective. And it will help with your focus. Maybe he has to get to a certain size before you can punch him in the nose anyhow. You wouldn't want to pick on a little one, would ya?
