An old High School friend of mine had the title on his Facebook page today and I asked if I could use it here. I think it makes a good mantra. Sorta speaks to shedding the old "whining" lifestyle and putting on the new "winning" one. What am I winning? I get to add 20-25 years back onto my life, I get to look forward to SOMEDAY playing with grandchildren, there is the opportunity to grow old with my husband and become a crabby old lady and gossip on the porch with by best friend. Add to that I will get to keep my eyesight and hopefully not have to stab myself with needles and I'm a happy camper!
The Boy (yes, that is said teenage son) talked me into watching the movie Super Size Me. He thought it might help in my ongoing quest to understand how we got where we are and how to move onward to where we need to go as a family. If you haven't seen it, watch it. But do not watch alone or late at night, it is the most horrific movie ever made.
Premise: Perfectly healthy guy with a girlfriend who is a Vegan Chef wants to put McDonalds' claims that their food is healthy and you will not get fat or sick from prolonged eating of it, to the test. He eats nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, 3 meals a day. He has to try everything on the menu at least once and if the server asks if he wants to super-size it, he must. Oh yeah, and he must eat EVERYTHING he is served.
Over the course of the 30 days, he gains 24.5 pounds, his cholestrol goes up 230 points, he doubles his risk of heart disease and he basically pickles his liver on the high fat diet. If you watch it (I haven't given all the good stuff away) you find yourself hoping and praying he will stop the experiment early. It is the most horrible thing I have ever seen.
I immediately told both of my boys that they were forbidden from ever eating at McDonalds again! An overreaction? Watch the movie and you won't eat there either!! Some of the other interesting things they said were that 1 in 3 teens in now obese and at risk of diabetes, 1 in 20 adults now has type 2 diabetes and our children are being exposed to 10,000 food ads per year directed specifically at them!!
I was appalled at what I was watching! Then for a final blow, they were talking about the "healthy" options on the MickyDs menu. My favorite is the Bacon Ranch Chicken Salad. Sometimes when I am running short on time, I will get one for lunch. I love them! I get the grilled chicken and fat free Italian dressing (so I feel like I'm being a good little diabetic) and then I sit in the lunch room, eating my salad feeling very virtuous that I ate healthy, even at McDonalds. Oh how wrong that idea was!! Today, watching this horror fest of a movie, I find out that there is as much fat in my "healthy" salad as in a Big Mac!! If I'm eating the fat anyway, shouldn't I at least get fries with that???
Okay so now we are at:
- No Ice Cream Stand
- No Cake
- No Donuts
- No Candy - Not even Peeps (I love Peeps - they are a happy candy)
- No Chocolate
- and now No McDonalds

I better stop reading and watching things; pretty soon, I won't be able to breath, as that is probably killing me too!
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