Did you ever have a day where you just wanted to run around the house, open all the cupboards and eat everything in them? I actually considered it today. It sounded like a fabulous idea! I almost made it to the kitchen when I remembered that there was not "contraband" food in the house. Somehow, ripping into a box of Wasa crackers and sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor to eat them just didn't have the same sparkle as it would if it were a package of chocolate wafer cookies!
I knew this point was coming, the cravings. This was no small craving either it was the mother of all CRAVINGS! I wanted chocolate! I wanted cake! Heck, I was considering munching on the floor boards for a minute there.
Then, on my way to the kitchen, I passed the dining table on which sat my pink Dtour Diet book. I stopped, took a deep breath and snapped myself out of whatever weird place I had gone to. I am stronger than this! I can do this! I have got to stop talking out loud to myself at home!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wear will power like a suit? We could take it on and off at will? We could slip it on and then never have to worry that our heads and stomachs would betray us at inopportune moments? We could put our own "super-suits" on and never have to worry about walking past a bakery, driving past an ice cream stand, or standing in line next to the pastry case at Starbucks. We could focus on what we were supposed to eat and when to fit the exercise in and not have to battle ourselves when the urge rises to nibble on the stair-banister.

Maybe Prevention will sponsor a shelby racecar for you? ~a (I got here by the website link under your fb profile pic. nice and easy