Monday, March 22, 2010

Vitamin D one of the Fat Fighting 4 of Dtour

I've mentioned before that the Dtour diet uses 4 "superstar nutrients" that combine to lower blood sugar and aid in losing weight. (from the Diabetes Dtour Diet).  The Diet uses a mix of  Fiber, Omega 3, Vitamin D, and calcium, which they call the Fat-Fighting 4.

The science seems to work, at least for me.  My blood sugar is coming under control and 12 lbs in 4 weeks is nothing to sneeze at!  I was upset about my gain last week so I went back to analyze my menus from the last few weeks to see where I went awry.

In reviewing my menus from the last couple of weeks, I noticed that I have not gotten the recommended amount of vitamin D.  No problem, thinks I, I'll just Google some foods that are rich in Vitamin D and see if I can work some of them in. Have you noticed yet that when I come up with these "brilliant" ideas, they never work out the way I expect?  Yeah, this didn't either.  Ya wanna see the list?  You're going to love it!
Pure Cod liver oil,
Pudding Liver and Cheese. 
SUNLIGHT is most potent source of natural vitamin D. 

I didn't start gagging until I got down to the Pudding Liver and Cheese.  What exactly is that?  Do you put pudding over the liver to hide it?  Do you make the liver into pudding (which is too gross to even think about), and what is up with the cheese?

You know what?  I think I'll stick with Milk, Tuna, Salmon, and Sunlight.  I can take lots of walks in the fresh air and sunshine! 

Maybe tomorrow I'll research Omega 3!

1 comment:

  1. While you are researching that, what does it take to be able to absorb that D through sunshine? Do you have to be near to 'in the buff'? How long is a recommended RDA?
