Thursday, April 29, 2010

Luck, Love, and Pizza

There are many different ways to show someone that you love them.  You could tell them, we often do that.  But how often, really, does someone do something for you that truly demonstrates how much they love you?  And what does this have to do with my weight loss journey?  Wow!  Lots of questions today!  Boy, are you lucky I'm in a mood to answer!

Saying I had a terrible, awful, truly horrible day, does not even begin to scratch the surface.  I had a damn the diet, go out for Chinese and grab and ice cream cake for dessert type of day (and that was before lunch and the marathon conference call!)

As luck would have it (the only luck I had all day), my wonderful husband called before he left work to ask about dinner.  My only response was, "Please don't make me think or cook!"  Obviously sensing all was not well in Katie-land, Mr. Supportive simply said "I'll take care of it, my love."

When I dragged myself home, and hour and a half late, he was unloading what used to be one of my favorite meals, homemade pizza!  My mouth dropped open in shock and a bit of horror.  This was no longer on the approved list!

My sweet husband smiled at me, very proud of himself, and said "We are only using 1/2 a jar of sauce to cut down on the sugar, I got turkey pepperoni, crimnei mushrooms, fresh bell peppers, and skim mozzarella cheese!"  I couldn't believe it; he had "Dtoured" one of my favorite meal!  My husband loves me!  A lot!

Nothing in the world could have made me feel more loved, cared for, and supported than that single simple action.  Isn't it funny?  It's not the big flashy things, it's the small, important things that really count.

Oh yeah, the pizza was AWESOME!!!

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