Friday, April 9, 2010

My new secret weapon

I have become hooked on BBC America.  I love that channel!  For the longest time I thought it was only really useful for Doctor Who, but there are all kinds of really cool shows on there!  Who knew? (Pardon the pun, sometimes I can't resist them!)

One of my current favorites is a show called You Are What You Eat , it is a show about this really strict looking Holistic Nutritionist named Gillian McKeith who helps people change the way that they eat and live.   I really like her because she doesn't pull punches and she tells people like it is.  One of the things that she does is that she loads a table down with everything her "target" has eaten during the last week.  It's horrible!  When you see this table loaded down with everything they've eaten and you look at it and think "Man!  That is one of my favorites, so is that!  And that!  And,  wait. . . Oh crap!"  About then, the show takes on an entirely different meaning and you begin rooting for the poor person to actually listen to Gillian and wish she were coming to your house next!

I have found it is the perfect motivator for me to help keep on track.  Even the name of the show helps me.  Right now I can think  "Today, I'm yogurt, flax seed, fruit, some yummy Chinese stuff, cabbage, nuts, a Dtour Ruben, and some baby bell peppers!"  Those are all good things!

I could have been:  "Donuts, McDonalds, a candybar, a Taco Bell Salad, and a Hot Fudge Sundae."

I feel much better being the new me!  Who needs the old me?  Not my family!  Gillian would be proud!

I heard from a friend today who has been walking her own path with weight loss for health reasons.  We have been cheering each other on and she checks in and follows this blog along with many others.  Today she let me know she has lost 7 pounds!  Yea!!!!  Part of her loss involves giving up a caffeinated beverage that she has been drinking since childhood.  It has been very difficult for her and I wanted to applaud her accomplishment here so everyone could share in her accomplishment!

Sometimes I laugh at myself because I'm sitting on the sofa watching Gillian McKeith and trolling online for articles about food.  I have never spent so much time thinking about food!  I'm beginning to wonder if I am becoming obsessed!  
But every show I watch, every thing I read reinforces my resolve! 
 I am not a Chocolate Bar! 
I am not a Fat Laden Lying Taco Bell Salad!  


  1. I just love this post you are a skinny person

  2. wow. Another simple mental image that really drives the point home. Thank you for today's gift Kaytee!!!! ~a
