Monday, April 26, 2010

A case of the Monday's . . .

I have now decided that it is the freaking day of the week that does it!  It's Monday's!  Myron has figured out that I don't do Monday's!  Drat him anyway!!  All day I've had a chocolate craving.  It's not just me either; I've taken a poll - 9 out of 10 women polled (I'm no dummy, I don't ask men) have had a chocolate craving all day!

We do well all week, behave over the weekend and then WHAM!  The cravings hit us on Monday.  No amount of mental self-talk or diversion seemed to work today.  I wanted chocolate!  A candy bar, a truffle, ice cream, cake, it really didn't matter, I just wanted chocolate!  Man I hate this!

But odd as it sounds, I'm beginning to see these little weekly confrontations as a test of wills.  My will against the kryptonite of womankind worldwide - chocolate!  So far I'm ahead!  I have not lost one of our little weekly games yet!  Ha ha ha!  Take that chocolate!

I have to wonder though, sooner or later, will I give in?  Will the chocolate finally win the battle?  Will it wear me down? 

Nah!  Look who we're talking about here!  I can out stubborn anybody, anywhere, anytime!  I can ignore it as long as I want to!

Take that chocolate!  Take that Myron!!

Ha ha!!  I win again!!!

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