Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What fast food does to us!

I have heard that food can make you crazy, but this video takes it to the extreme. Okay, here's the background. This woman arrived at McDonald's early in the morning and wanted chicken nuggets. This is her reaction when she discovered that chicken nuggets were not on the breakfast menu! (No audio with video)

Now if that isn't proof that fast food bad for you, I don't know what is! I have to admit, I've had a few times in the last few months when I felt like that when I drove past the Dairy Freeze. Those people have apparently been in serious jeapordy and never even knew it! Can't you see the headlines?
Alright, I know I'm going to extremes here, but really, do we need a McDonald's on every street corner? Does every town need a Burger King and a Wendy's? (What up with those square burgers anyway?)

The Boy went to Cedar Point with the Band on Saturday. On Sunday, he informed me that he was a bit upset with me. What had I done now?
"Well," my charming son explained, "I had a hot dog, fries and a full strength soda at the park for lunch yesterday."
"Okay . . ." says very confused mom.
"So, my stomach was upset the rest of the day!" my oh so darling son explained. "It's all that healthy food we've been eating. Junk food now tastes horrible and makes me sick!"
"Poor Baby."

Yeah, I know, I should have been more sympathetic; but inside I was all warm and happy that his body was now actually rejecting crappy food!! Yea Boy!!

Someday he'll appreciate it. . . right?

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