Thursday, August 26, 2010

Am I a Priority?

It's that time of year when schedules get shuffled around and some re-prioritizing needs to take place.  The calendar is filling up with appointments, school activities and other odds and ends that go along with back to school and fall.

I was sitting here laying out a schedule for things around the house for the next few months and suddenly I noticed something.  I was nowhere on the schedule.  Hubby's job schedule (both of them) was there.  The Boy's school and band schedule was front and center.  I had added in the various things my mom needs done and the things happening at my own job that need to get done.

But where was I?  Why was I not anywhere on the schedule?  Sure I was there as a mom taxi.  I was there as far as needing to make sure that on weekend work days, I'm on hand to make sure that Hubby has food ready on his lunch break.  But left off the schedule was things I am supposed to be doing:
  • Exercise
  • Quiet time (meditation/relaxation)
  • Meal planning

I have been feeling off lately, and I'm beginning to think that I may be onto something here.  I have, once again, shuffled myself to the bottom of the deck and forgotten that I deserve a place on the priority list as well.

I don't want to be a martyr.  I don't want my son to think that a 'moms' place is serving everyone else to the determent of herself.  Besides, look where being a martyr has gotten me; fat, crabby, and miserable.

I guess backsliding is to be expected on a journey of this sort every once in awhile.  I just have to remember to stop the slide as soon as I realize where I am going.

I am working hard to lose the weight and keep my blood sugars in line.  I deserve the time that I need to make that happen.  I am at least as important as the rest of the members of my family.

Now, I just have to continue to chant that to myself a few thousand times a day until I actually believe it!

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