Sunday, August 8, 2010

Set Back Blues

This is one of those times I wished I could play guitar and sing well.  Then I could sing my new song for all of you.  It's called the Set Back Blues.

Today is, of course, Sunday.  Here are the results:
Wonderful Hubby:  +0.5 lbs
Amazing Boy:  -3 lbs (See what Band Camp does!)
Me:  +1 lb - I'm putting it down to the weird week of eating off schedule.
Now for the song part.  A few months ago, I would have spent the rest of the entry moaning about everything I did wrong during the week.  I would have analyzed every bit of food that passed my lips.  Wow!  How sad is that?

Today is the beginning of a new week.  That stupid pound belongs to last week.  I can make it go away again, I know how.  I am not going to sweat it.  Wait, maybe that is exactly what I am going to do with it.  I'll sweat it out!  A couple of good walks and a bit of other exercise and that stupid pound will be gone and take along a friend.  Heck, it might as well take five, I won't miss them!

This week, I think I'm going to be Miss Positive.  No, I'm not going to become a cheerleader, I'm just going to try to be a little more positive about all aspects of my live this week.  I'm going to look forward to exercising (ha ha, that's really funny!).  I'll try to get up early and make sure that I have my lunch all packed before I get ready for work (and I'll actually remember to take it with me when I walk out the door).  This week, bedtime will be before 11:00PM every night, and I'm going to be pleasant and think BEFORE I speak all week long.

That won't be so hard . . . right?

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