Sunday, August 29, 2010

Defeating the Downfall

Since it's Sunday, let's get the housekeeping out of the way first:
Me:  Stayed the same - no gain/no loss! - Not really a yea, but at least I didn't gain!
Amazing Hubby:  +1.5 lbs.  He may not fly away with the first big wind now!
'Charming' Boy:  +1.5 lbs.  Not too bad, he's perfectly wonderful the way he is!
The fact that the scale did not move this week just reinforces the plan that has been brewing in my little brain.  I need to do something about my exercise situation, and do something NOW!

I made a joke about a personal trainer, you know, someone to be mean to me and help to keep me on track.  However, the more I thought about it, the less funny it became.  This may be a plan worth investigating.

I want to exercise, I know it's important, but when it actually comes down to doing it, something goes awry.  Mornings come way too early, and when evening comes around, there is so much to do and I'm tired.

Do I sound whiny?  That sounded sort of whiny as I was reading it in my head.  I hate to whine, almost as I hate exercising!

Seriously though, I have been doing a bit of research and one of the things that is discussed is that while cardio (walking) is wonderful, it is not all that a Person with Diabetes needs.  Apparently I also need strength and stretching as well.  When it comes to that sort of thing, I am totally clueless.  Do they make pink, purple or red weights?

So, I'm thinking that a Health Club may be an option.  If I could find one that works with PWD's that would be a huge bonus!!  Then all I would need would be some big strapping dude named Bruno to be evil to me and make me stay on track!!

I have a 5K to get ready for!  I am so excited about that, I can hardly stand it!  I hope lots of you will be able to join us! 


  1. Katie, Yoga is great.......very relaxing and it stretches and tones you. Then when you get used to that you can try pilates combined with yoga for an extra boost too your routine!

  2. Yoga sounds like fun. I don't know if I'm that bendy yet, but I'm willing to try it!
