Thursday, August 5, 2010

Here I go again . . .maybe

This new lifestyle change, and the success that I have been having with it, has made me begin to reevaluate some other parts of my life.

For example, I am considering going back to school.  The idea has been kicking around in my head for quite awhile, but I was always unsure of the direction I wanted to take.  Now, I think I may have a path in mind.

When I was young, I wanted to be a chef.  That idea was not received well by those around me.   I was encouraged to drop my 'silly dream that would never amount to anything'.  So, I listened to those that "knew what was best for me' and dropped the subject.

But now, with everything I have been learning about nutrition, food combinations, and the effects that different foods can have on your body, have renewed my old passion for cooking and my desire to pursue more education in the culinary arts.

It's amazing to me how brave I am becomming and how far out of my comfort zone I am suddenly willing to go!  

I wonder what I will come up with next.

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME!!! Gosh, there's gotta be a growing interest in the healthier eating field too!
