Today was the day. 5K day. The day I had been in equal parts dreading and excitedly anticipating. You all know I was afraid that I would end up face down on the pavement with little old ladies stepping over me. You will all be happy to know that I have no sneaker prints on my back. Not one little old grandma with a walker accosted me the entire walk. (What a relief that was!). I finished in 68 minutes with my two staunch supports on either side of me. My best friend on one side and my husband on the other. They stuck with me the whole way, both determined to keep me going. I only had one really weak moment. Luckily, there was a nice man standing on the corner cheering everyone along who looked right at me and said. "You're almost there. The top of this hill is right around the corner!" I was so glad he was right! If I would have had the energy I would have gone back and kissed his feet.
The finish line was upon us before I really realized it and Hubby and friend were both grinning at me telling me they were proud of me and they knew all along that I could do it.
I can not believe that I did it! I feel like a little kid. I set a goal, one that seemed out of my reach at the time and today I walked a 5K - that is 3.1086 . . . miles for those of you that are interested.
From Couch Potato to 5K in 8 weeks! I did it. If I can do that, the rest of this weight will be easy, right?
There is a Step Out walk for Diabetes in November. Anyone want to be on my team?
Katie you did great! I am proud of you, and I don't even really know you. My Name is Tara and I have been following your successes and bumps in the road. I am Dtouring to but not doing the 5k - yet. Any way good work and terrific pictures.
ReplyDeleteThank you Tara! I'm so glad you are following along. I am so excited you are Dtouring along as well, it's a wonderful ride! Don't worry about the 5K, that was a personal goal. Your personal goals may not be the same as mine are. I have to have a goal to encourage myself to continue to exercise (I'm sorta like a little kid that way.) Yesterday was the fulfillment of a very secret life long dream! Thank you for sharing it with me!