Monday, May 17, 2010

And now. . . .More Fractured Fairy Tale

Our brave Princess, in her struggle up her hill, set herself a goal.  Her objective was to join a race with many other people from the kingdom.  She thought, if she had a definite goal in sight, it might make her journey easier somehow.

The day of the race came and our Princess was nervous and fearful that she wouldn't be able to finish the race.  Her two Princes were by her side as always, as was her mother; and to her great relief, her closest friend Anna had also come along to lend her support.  With her wonderful band of champions around her, our brave Princess began her race.

Never ones to let her have things easy, Couch Potato and Myron were close behind, whispering negative thoughts in her ears, telling her she was tired and unable to complete the race.  Myron zapped blisters on her feet and Couch Potato made the sun beat on her face and sapped all of the strength from her muscles.

Whenever the Princess started to stagger and grow tired, her Prince or her friend Anna would encourage her, smile, or just squeeze her hand.  Those simple actions bolstered  our Princess enough that she could ignore her tormentors and carry on.

Finally the finish line came into view, our Princesses heart took flight, the Prince looked at her with great pride and love in his eyes.  Her friend Anna smiled and congratulated her.  "I knew you could do it!" 

Upon seeing the Princess' success, Myron threw such a tantrum that he stomped himself deep into the ground!  Couch Potato spread his wings and took flight, vowing to stop the Princess next time.

The Princess didn't even see them go; she was far too busy celebrating her success and planning her next adventure!

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