Friday, May 28, 2010


I know I've discussed clothing stores in the past, but this evening brought a new frustration.  My exercise clothes are becoming a bit loose, so while we were out grocery shopping, I thought I'd check out the possibility of some inexpensive workout clothes as hopefully I'll be out of that size soon.  (I'm trying to be positive!)

 Anyway . . . . there I was searching through the racks looking for something in my size.  Do you think I could find anything?  No!  Now let's think about this for a moment . . .

People my size (size not to be disclosed!) obviously need to exercise, right?  Right.  I mean c'mon on!  We need to lose weight!  The best way to lose weight is to diet and increase exercise, correct?  Still with me?  Good.  So, wouldn't you think, that people my size would be able to find lots and lots of really cute, fun, exercise clothes?  Wouldn't that be just the perfect thing to encourage us to exercise?  Wow!  What a fabulous idea!!

Would somebody please relay that information to the clothing companies!  I could not find a blessed (or un-blessed) thing in my size!  Sure I can go online and order it - wait a week or so for it to arrive, try it on.  If it doesn't fit, ship it back, order again, wait a week or so for it to arrive, try it on. . . .you get the idea.  What a pain is that!

All I want is to be able to purchase some decent clothes to sweat in.  I didn't think I was asking the earth to reverse it's axis.    Personally, I think the clothing companies are missing out on the boat here.  Does anyone have Nike's phone number?

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