Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I've been noticing lately that the grocery store shelves now seem to be filled with "Superfoods".  Does anyone know what a Superfood is?  Is it simply a new marketing scheme, or is there something to this new buzz word?

I first consulted a website devoted to superfoods.  Here is what  http://naturalsuperfoods10.com had to say about what a superfood is:
Natural superfoods are certain whole fruits, vegetables and plant foods that are now being recognized for their exceptionally high nutritional capacity to nourish, build healthy and balanced bodies at a cellular level, with less fat, more muscle, loads of energy, and consequently a feeling of overall well being.
Okay, that makes sense.  But, what are the superfoods?  Well, apparently there are a lot of them:
Flax Seeds, bee pollen, blue-green algae, cacao, fish, goji berries, green foods, cranberries, rice protein, sea vegetables.apples, avocados, beans, beetroot, blueberries, broccoli, green tea, kiwi, lemon grass, oats, orange, papaya, pumpkin, soy, spinach, tomato, walnut, and yogurt. 
Okay, I can see these.  Any list that calls chocolate a superfood is all good by me!  And goji berries!  I love my goji berries, they are the 'feel good' fruit.

It's sort of funny, in a weird way I believe that we have finally come full circle when it comes to food.

Before the 'industrial' era, all foods were whole foods.  They were fresh, mostly home grown and had no additives in them.  The more 'sophisticated' we became, the less natural our food became.  (Did anyone else notice that this is about the time that men began to grow breasts?  Gotta love those hormones!)

Anyway, now that we have done a very fine job of rendering most of our food totally fake with additives, and chemicals we are to be rescued by what?  Natural foods!  Ironic isn't it?

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