Wednesday, October 6, 2010


At work today, a friend and co-worked talked to me about a diet she is starting.  Of course, I was very interested and asked her to explain the program to me.  We talked about weight and weight-loss throughout the day.  (I can't help it, like I said, I'm obsessed!)

As she was getting ready to leave, she mentioned that she was self conscious about here weight and her plan to start this program.  The reason being, that  she now felt uncomfortable around some of our other co-workers because most of them are thin and she is concerned about them judging her.

I knew exactly what she was talking about.  I had felt the same way a few months ago.  When you work amongst people who are thin and svelte, and you are not; it is difficult not to feel judged.

I don't feel that way anymore.  During these past few months, I find that I care less and less what other people think of me.  What is important is what I think and feel about myself.  Obviously I care what my family and close friends think, but I rarely feel judged by them.

I used to be so concerned about what others thought and felt about me.  When did that start to change? 

Probably about the time I made the decision to do this and see it through no matter what.  I am so involved and focused on my plan and the next step, that I don't have time to worry about what other people think anymore.  Which is a huge change for me, as I have always been very concerned about what people thought about me.  What a bunch of wasted time that was!

When someone with a weight issue decides to do something about it and embark on a weight loss journey, the people around them should be supportive, not judgmental.  It takes a supreme amount of effort to stick to a weight loss plan. 

Personally, I think it is harder to lose weight than to quit smoking or drinking.  Think about it, you can simply not buy cigarettes or alcohol, but we all need food on a daily basis to survive.

I wanted to tell my friend this today in the worst way; but I remained silent and just listened to her as she talked.  I think this is one of those 'wonderful' life lessons that you need to figure out for yourself.  It's an important step on the journey.

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