Monday, June 7, 2010

This morning on the Today Show, Al Roker did a segment on his weight loss journey and he discussed a conversation he had with his father shortly before his father passed away.  His dad talked to him about his weight.  He lost the ability to speak that evening.  Talk about a wake up call.

So today, I had lots of people asking me what made me "all of a sudden" decide to do something about my weight.  I had to remind myself that these individuals really didn't understand how callous and hurtful they were being and bit back laughter.

Do people really think that I just woke up one morning and said.  "Hey, I'm fat, I'm a diabetic and I'm going to stop eating bad stuff."?  Oh God, if only it were that easy!!

I've struggled all my life, sometimes with more success than others.  It's just that this time is different.  This time, I happened to be talking with my son about some college letters he had received and it suddenly struck me.  If I didn't do something, I was going to miss it.  If I didn't get a handle on my weight and my Diabetes, I was going to miss my son taking on the world!  I was going to miss my future daughter-in-law, and my grandchildren.  I was going to miss being there to witness my son getting his first of three Nobel prizes.  (He has a plan).  Who would want to miss all that?

That is my story.  That is my reason for starting, that is my mantra whenever I start to waver.  I hold onto that when I have nothing else to hold onto.

What is your reason, what is your anchor?

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