Monday, June 7, 2010

Hippy Dinner!

I am so sorry that this is so delayed!  Blogger was down and I couldn't get on to post yesterday!  so here is Sunday's post:

It was new recipe night!  We love new recipe night, well, most of us do.  Tonight's experiment is officially called Chinese Barbecued Pork with Edamame.  Edamame is pronouced Ed - a - mommy.  Okay, that is how we are pronouncing it and it is working for us!

As for the fancy- smance title that the Dtour Diet Cookbook gave this recipe - Hubby has dubbed it Hippy Dinner!  Which, to my mind, is  a much for entertaining name and you don't have to try to say Edamame!

Hippy Dinner is a wonderful mix of pork, Edamame (soy beans in the bean form), tofu, brown rice, in a wonderful gingery barbecue sauce.  It was wonderful!  Very tasty, full of wonderful proteins, extremely filling and best of all, a one pot dinner!

I was very tentative about the beans.  I am famous for not liking beans.  Especially if they are green.  My most notable quote from the meal was "It's a bean, it's green, and I like it!"

To top it all off, I actually got really brave and for the first time since we embarked on our journey, I baked.  I have always loved baking.  I'm really good at it, and I have missed it terribly.  In the back of the Dtour Diet Cookbook, there is this really interesting recipe for Chocolate peanut butter cupcakes.  I had to try it.!  Here is what mine looked like:

Doesn't that look wonderful?  You would never know that this wonderful looking cupcake is a Diabetic recipe would you?  This is one of most moist cupcakes I have ever eaten, and it has a yogurt base to it.  Yes, I said yogurt!  I even have proof that they taste good!!

This is the first of many that these three devoured during the course of the evening.  Dare we tell them that they are actually 'healthy'?  Nah, I'm not telling!

Oh yeah!  It's Sunday!  You want weigh in info:

Me:  -.5 lbs.  Yea me!

Hubby:  -1 lbs.  Yea hubby!
The boy:  Stayed the same.  Too many cupcakes!!


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