Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Morning Boogaloo!

This morning was a work morning.  It was also a very, very difficult morning to wake up.  I blame it all on the book I got sucked into last night.  Have we discussed my passion for reading?  It's an obsession.  Any and all knowledge can be found in a book.  If you want to make me happy, take me for  a morning or afternoon at the bookstore.  Barnes and Noble, or Schuler's are favs.

Oops!  Sorry, I derailed my own thought train!  Okay, this morning; workday.  Someone got sucked into a book and neglected to do laundry because she was reading most of the night.  So, there I was this morning standing in front of the closet praying that a totally cute, completely coordinated, and super skinny outfit would jump into my arms, completely accessorized.  (I might as well go for the gusto if I'm wishing, right?"

In the corner of the closet was squeezed my all time favorite skirt.  It's a black wrap-around with pretty pink and white flowers on it.  It's floaty and feminine and has always made me feel pretty.  Well, that's what I remember.  I haven't worn the skirt in more than 6 or 7 years.  Without any real conscious thought, I reached in and grabbed it.

Hubby entered as I was turning from the closet and raised his eyebrows when he saw my much loved skirt.  "Really?"  I didn't want to let him know how much I was praying inside.  So I just shrugged like I didn't really care and said "Thought I'd try."

Not only did the skirt fasten, I had wiggle room!  Which I then demonstrated by dancing around the room in probably the goofiest happy dance on record!  (Thank goodness there was no camera available!)

The little dance lasted all the way down stairs and out to the car!  Yes, I stopped when I got to work, time to be professional and all that.

Remember those non-edible rewards we were talking about?  I just found a HUGE one!!!  

I have some other clothes that haven't seen the light of day since we moved from Sunny LA, I wonder when I can open that box???


  1. I don't know if this is a non-edible reward that appeals to you or not, but I saw someone else post of a couple new little tattoos they had gotten as rewards for reaching a weight goal. ~a

  2. a p.s. on the tattoo comment... might be fun to build a tribal anklet, bracelet or armband tattoo link by link. each link could be a certain goal limit.

  3. My very darling Arlene, you may be onto something here! I'm liking this plan! We have a very good tattoo artist in the family. Which would mean each tattoo would necessitate a trip to Maine! Hmmm . . . I could make this work for me!!! First I have to get over the whole fear of needles thing . . .
