Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not an option

The other day, my mother asked me if I was giving up on my quest.  She had been reading my last few blogs and was worried that I was quitting.

I don't quit. I can't quit.  Failure is not an option.

I have been talking to a lot of people lately and have been reading as much as I can on motivating yourself through a difficult time.

Here is what I have learned:
  1. There comes a point in every journey where it isn't fun anymore and the difficulty increases.
  2. When your will is weak, you have to become strong. 
  3. Going off your plan will screw with you . . . bad!
Okay, the last one is mine, but it is so true.  It has become hard, and frustrating.  I knew this test would come, and while I have always tested badly, I still have every intention to ace this one!

Here is my personal goal for the week.  I intend to lose weight this week.  Yes, turkey day and all.

If I can do that, I can do anything!  I intend to succeed!  That climbing wall is still there, waiting for me!

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