Thursday, November 4, 2010

Do you feed or starve a cold?

"Starve a cold, feed a fever"  or is it "Starve a fever feed a cold"?  I can never remember.  Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter, I can't taste anything anyway!

Why is it that when you are sick all you want is junky, comfort food?  Seriously, all I've wanted this week are sweets, cake and chocolate and I would have killed someone for a steaming hot latte!

But here's the thing, I can't taste anything I eat, so what is the use of eating sweets and chocolate?  If I'm going to 'cheat' I'd be better off saving it for when I can tell I'm eating a wonderfully moist cake, or a decedent chocolate.  

Dead taste buds should be reserved for things like broccoli and brussel sprouts!  Is there someone on earth who actually likes Brussel Sprouts?  I think I'm digressing. . . . 

Do we starve or feed a cold or a fever?  Does it really matter?  And as long as I am asking these questions, who are the old wives and do they really tell tales?

Okay, I know, fever is back and I'm getting delirious.

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