Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Want Cake!

Conversation this evening:
 Me:  "I want cake."
Hubby:  I love you."
Me:  "I want cake."
Hubby:  "Yup, you do."
End result:  I still want cake, but I guess I'll deal with it.   Although, a little more sympathy wouldn't hurt anyone!

I'm sorry that I missed a couple of days, we had no cable (storms) on Friday and Saturday was a huge band event and we were gone all day and not back until very late.  But we saw lots of awesome marching bands!

I had a horrible experience yesterday that I hope to never repeat again.  Hubby and I were hosting bands (escorting visiting bands) all day.  Our schedule was pretty much back to back.  We would finish with one band and the next band would be pulling up in their buses.  It didn't leave much time for lunch.  I checked my blood sugar at one point and it was 85, letting me know that I was going to need to eat soon.  But there was a band waiting and I had to push on.  Hubby passed me a little bit later and stopped to check in.  He asked if I had eaten, and I suddenly realized that I was really cranky, had  a raging headache and felt dizzy and light headed.  I was in trouble!

Hubby went and found someone to cover for me so I could get something to eat.  I quickly checked my blood sugar.  60!  I have never had such a low number!  I got to the concession stand as quickly as I could and I don't even think I tasted the hamburger that I scarfed down!  I drank some water and went back to my band.  My sugar was back to normal withing a little while.

I still have a raging headache though, a nasty reminder that I cannot overlook things like that in the future!  Lesson learned the hard way.

I still want cake.

(Weigh in results - down 1 pound)

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