Monday, September 20, 2010


As confirmed by yesterday's weigh in, the scale seems to be back in working order.  Thank goodness, I was worried there for a bit.

I have decided that I am not losing weight fast enough.  I don't know why I just decided this.  I just have.  So, I am going to increase my activity.  Sounds simple, right?  Yeah, for those wonderfully motivated folks it is easy as pie.  (Oh pie, I love pie.  I miss pie . . .)

Wednesday, Hubby and I have our appointments at the Health Club to meet with a trainer for our evaluations.  I'm a bit nervous.  How does one evaluate a couch potato?  Yup, your fat, your lazy and you need to move your butt!  Do you think he'll really say that?  I hope not.  Perhaps that is what I need to hear though?

I have this wonderful plan worked out in my head.  I can get up early, go to the club and work out, then get ready there and go into work.  Sounds good on paper, right?  Now I just have to have the determination to make it a reality.  That always seems to be my downfall.

Explain to me how I can give up chocolate and caffeine, forsake all of my favorite sweet snacks and cakes, yet  I find it impossible to stick to an exercise routine for any length of time?  Sometimes I baffle even myself!

I need to figure this out!  We have a walk coming up!  A big important walk!  The Step Out Walk is getting ever closer!

If you haven't signed up yet, go to the link and get involved!  You can walk with us, or be a virtual walker by donating online, or, do both!

We'll see if I can make it the whole 5K without complaining and whining this time!

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