Monday, September 27, 2010


Remember the cake I wanted yesterday?  Yeah, the cravings kept getting worse.  Ever the supportive husband, hubby went out and got some cupcakes!  It was a very reasonable compromise.  I got a hit of cake and a very good portion control.

Then I began to feel a bit guilty about my slip up, so I went seeking answers on my favorite websites.  You'll never guess what I found on; an entire feature on Cravings!

Eat What You Truly Love

There are very few foods you can't have, although you do have to stay within your meal-plan allowance and possibly count carbohydrates. If you really love chocolate, eat it and count it. But don't give in to a craving for something you like but could live without

Yea!!  Now I don't have to feel so guilty!!  Since the first part of the feature made me feel better, I read on; good thing I did because the next next slide was even better!

Change Your Food-Behavior Labels

When you eat that food you love, enjoy it. Don't label your behavior as "cheating" or "failure." Success is in the balance.
Okay, that will take some work, but I think that I can do that!  I have to learn that I can indulge once in awhile and not feel guilty or like I'm throwing all of the months of hard work and effort away.  I think a little part of me is afraid that if I let myself have a small treat, I'll devour everything.  It's silly, but that seems to be wandering around in my brain.

I had enough control with the cupcake last night and that seemed to curb the cravings enough.

I think I'll have to go check out the rest of the article on! 

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