When Johnson returned from the Crossroads, he was a gifted musician with talent and skill to be reckoned with. It was Robert Johnson who gave us the backbone beat of the Delta Blues that would eventually become Rock and Roll. Johnson is considered the father of Rock and Roll. But the cost for gift of fame and fortune was high; for Johnson was also a drunk and a womanizer. He was killed at age 27 by a jealous husband with whose wife Johnson had wooed.
Cool story, huh? Wondering why I told you that story? Because we all come to a point where we are standing at the Crossroads. It is here when we must make a decision; take the easy way out or to stand firm in your convictions and beat the devil at his own game.

The high road means lots of work, commitment, frustration and courage when you have none left. It is slow to offer the traveler gifts and has many potholes and blocked roads to impede your journey.
The road has become rocky and debris strewn in front of me. Excuses are beginning to come easier and easier to my thoughts and lips. This has become very difficult for me and I have been questioning my commitment to this quest of mine.
Last night, everyone was working and none of us arrived home much before 8 pm. We were all tired and hungry and no one wanted to go near the kitchen, much less the stove. Sound familiar? We've all been there.
Anyway, The Boy decided that he wanted Taco Bell. Know that I have always hated particular restaurant; I don't like their food and it tends to make me ill. I opened my mouth to protest and I swear that Myron suddenly possessed my body, because I heard myself tell the guys what I wanted to order.
I scarfed the food down when it arrived and spent the night not sleeping and feeling like I had a huge rock in the pit of my stomach. I am paying for my bad decision in more ways than you could believe.

What do I do now?
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