Major failure tonight. I totally freaked out today. Not only that, I went to Burger King! Bad move. And make no mistake, I am paying for it in more ways than you can imagine!
What caused the meltdown? The realization that in 7 days, one week, 168 hours. . .I start school! I am going back to college! What the Mary-Janes was I thinking? Am I insane? What on earth made me think that I could go back to school?
I was a horrible student! I hated college. I do not test well, at all; and colleges love tests! It's practically what are built on. I swear that professors and college deans are paid bonuses for every test they force you to take. Not only that, but they make you pay for the torture! Something is just messed up about that!

Okay, I know, I need to pull it together!
Did I mention that I'm terrified?
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