Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I hate feeling like this!

The migraine started yesterday on the way into work.  Despite my best efforts, meds and all; I found myself at the Doctor's office late Monday afternoon to get "The Shot".

The Shot is a heady mix of Demerol and Darvoset.  It will put a small elephant down for quite awhile.  I crawled into bed and was pretty much gone for the night.  However, at about midnight, I woke with a terribly sore throat and had to be sick.  There I was for the rest of the night, miserable with the flu that Wonderful Hubby and Charming Son had passed along.

I had still intended to go into work this morning, despite a high fever and chills and all the other wonderful aches and pains that the flu can bring.  My car, however, decided that it was too cold to start and I was stuck.  I took this as a sign that I was not supposed to go into work.  This turned out to be a good decision as simply walking up the stairs exhausted me.   I tried to study, to make some use of the day; but I ended up sleeping most of the day away.

What does this have to do with my journey?  Simple.  Because of the roller-coaster that was my stomach today, I did not take my vitamins or other supplements today.  I have felt crappy all day.

I know that I was sick, but I've been sick before and have not felt this badly.  I am beginning to think that this whole vitamin thing may have some credence to it!

I hope that I can have my smoothie tomorrow morning!


1 comment:

  1. what does this have to do with your journey? it IS your journey! piece by piece. ~<3
