Monday, January 24, 2011


Algebra and Biology are kicking my butt!  I can not even begin to explain how frustrating this is!  I spent 7 hours yesterday and 9 hours on Saturday studying, and I STILL don't understand what the heck I'm doing.

I got so frustrated this evening that The Boy actually made me stop and put the books down.  He's a good boy!

I'll take a deep breathe and try again tomorrow.


  1. I so sorry that the classes are this hard, but I still believe you can do it. I know Algebra would kick me clear to your place (or China). But I know that both classes really build on the beginning, so hang on for dear life. You have a purpose in this madness. ~a

  2. I am holding on by my fingers and toes. I'll make it through, I am no quitter!

    Classes may have won the battle. I intend to win the war!
