Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Wow! What an emotional roller coaster today has been!  I think I had a for-real anxiety attack.  Complete with racing heart, dizziness, and breathlessness.  It was scary!  I'm over it now.  

What brought it on?  Today was the day I got my books and other things I needed for school.  Among them was an incredibly heavy box of books (not one brain-candy book in the bunch), some very intimidating and overwhelming calculators.  Although I'm not sure if they are really calculators, or that diagnosis thing that Dr. McCoy used to use; not the salt shaker thing, the  square one with all the blinky lights and eerie whine.

So when that was over, I was afforded the opportunity to talk to someone about the Outsmart Diabetes plan (formerly the Dtour diet).  That one act, just talking to someone about the plan calmed me down.  Not only did it settle me, it brought back to me why I was going back to school.  It reminded me of what I am now so passionate about!

My new purpose is to help other people who are where I was in February.  I want to help people who are frustrated and overwhelmed with their new challenges.  I can do that, I can help people cope with a new life plan.  

It may have been a roller coaster of a day, but I think I ended in a good place.

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