Then this morning, there was the Biology test. Understand that I have come to love this class! It is so interesting and fascinating that I am actually willingly getting up early to make sure I am there!

My heart felt like it was going to bounce right out of my chest, the butterflies in my stomach somehow morphed into B-52s. I started to hyperventilate! It was a nightmare. The young lady next to me asked me what was wrong, and for some odd reason I wanted to laugh!
What was wrong? Did she not see how ridiculous this picture was? I am a 40+ year old woman, sitting in a room full of college jocks and teeny-boppers with a scan tron and a number 2 pencil in my hands. What the %#$*_)*&$ was I thinking??
I took some deep breaths and calmed myself down a bit. Taking one last huge gulp of air, I opened the test booklet. Did you know that testing booklets are now written in some obscure Latin dialect? That must have been it; because I did not recognize any of those words on the page!
I did pull it together enough to complete the test. How much of it was correct remains to be seen.
One thing is for sure. I came face to face with one of my lifelong terrors today, and came out with my head held high. I think I can do this after all!
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