Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today was an eye opening experience for me.  There is this woman that I know who always seems very together.  It's sort of like she was born under a lucky star, everything in her world goes the way she wants it too, always.

Recently, her husband has had some health difficulties that are necessitating some dietary changes.  At first, she was reluctant to change the way they have always eaten.  I don't think it was in her plan.

Today, she came to me and asked if I had any recipes that she could make that would fit in with the new eating recommendations.  I was surprised, but readily jumped online to, (you guessed it!) and found something that was within all the guidelines.

She seemed really appreciative and asked if I had any other suggestions.  I told her I would do a bit of research and see what I could find for her.

I went on with the rest of my day as I normally would, but a part of me was glowing and happy.  Helping someone in a situation like that felt awesome!  The fact that I could help someone like that made me feel proud and uplifted.

Maybe I can make this cockamamie idea work after all!


  1. hmmm... the concept of a JOB making you feel that way sometimes. intriguing. ~a

  2. Of course you can do this you can do anything you put your Mind too.
