Thursday, March 31, 2011


Do you know today is Thursday?  No, really, it is!  I woke up this monring thinking it was Tuesday or Wednesday!  That doesn't bode well for my day, does it?

I've been thinking about will power lately, and my lack of it.  I seem to be losing steam here and need to get back on t rack.  Anyone have any ideas?  I'm running out.


  1. wow. I don't know how to fix the spread-too-thin syndrome, and I suppose that's what the main issue is since school started. does the dtour weekly shopping list/meal plan work well enough to be able to force yourself into just following it in a mechanical mode? since stuff is flying around too fast to try to sanely plan or alter plans on your own? one thing is for sure.. a big hug is in order right now. I'm sure you're getting depressed about how hard its gotten. xoxox ~a

  2. That is a very good thought! I'll have to work on that!
