Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Boy

Today marks another step along a path that will be our next year.  We are off to visit a college for The Boy.  While I am excited and over-joyed for the opportunities he will have, I am (as all mother's probably are) a bit wistful.

Where did the time go?  Wasn't I just changing diapers and running after a toddler just a week ago?  It seems that way!

The next year will be full of excitement, plans, hopes and dreams for our wonderful son.  He has turned into a fine young man, no longer a boy.

I am stepping onto this new path with joy and wonder at the prospects he has for himself.  I never thought I would be one of those "clingy" moms who would not let her child go.  While my fingers are itching to hold on tightly to my sweet child, my heart is singing at what an incredible person he is becoming.

Still . . . .

1 comment:

  1. I remember being in the back seat of the car on a trip to Kalamazoo and it striking me all of a sudden how many birthdays we had yet to celebrate with the kids still living at home.. I think it was when there were three of them left for Chase, five for Angie. Thats the first time that stuff kicked me in the stomach! ~a you have an awesome son, like his folks.
