Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weigh in Day

Good Morning all!

Sunday is weigh in day - Yea?  I am only getting on the scale once a week. (No use toturing myself every day!)  In true supportive fashion, my boys got on the scales this moring as well.  
Here are the results:
Wonderful Loving Husband:  -3 lbs.
Hormonal 15 year old Son: -2 lbs.
Me - the one that REALLY needs to do this:  -0.5 lbs.

Yes folks!  You read correctly - a week of torment - 18 cups (I'm not kidding) of salad, passing up on 3, count them 3 cakes and I lost an entire half pound!!!  Did you ever feel like the people upstairs are messing with you?

*Sigh*  it's time for breakfast - more later.


  1. Hey! You've done a lot better than I have. Yes...I had a piece of the birthday cake at work. Yes...I was talked into taking the leftover cake home (It didn't take much talking!) Yes, I had another piece of the D*** cake. And YES I gained a pound and a half this week. Yes... I will do better this coming week. You are doing so well. You are my inspiration.

  2. That's 2 full sticks of butter!! You just got rid of!!

  3. Katie just think of it as stick of butter you lost 2 whole sticks of butter off your body i think that is wonderful! take out two stick and just look at the amout it is then think of that in fat laying there never knock a loss fast lost will just come back you lost two stick that will never be found again i say good for you it's a great start.

  4. You are all very wonderful and I appreciate the support. You are also correct. Which I realized when I stopped sulking. Thank you all so much for your encouraging words, you don't know how much they mean to me!
