Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 5

So, I have I talked about the food yet?  I mean seriously. . .  you all would not believe what we are eating!  Tonight it was spinach, grilled salmon, pecans, cantaloupe, mango, and vinegar and oil dressing; mixed together in a salad.  Weird, right?  WRONG!!!  Super Yummy! (That is a technical term.)

We have been eating the most amazing things this week!  Almost makes up for the huge amount of lettuces and spinach I've been eating.  Don't get me wrong, I like salad as much as the next girl, but come on!  Two a day?  I know, don't complain, just eat it.  Did I mention I love ice cream?

There is such a huge variety of food in such interesting combinations in this plan that we are all having lots of fun at meal time!  I am very fortunate that the boys like to cook as much as I do.  Now, if I could only get them to exercise for me. . .


  1. Katie I will walk with you whenever you want. Put your snow pants on and lets go:)

  2. oh GOOD! it is IMPOSSIBLE with boring food that makes you feel deprived.
