Sunday, May 1, 2011

Guess what is depressing us now. . .

Sunday reporting first . . .
Me:  -2.2 lbs!
Wonderful Hubby:  +3 lbs
Charming Son:  stayed the same!

We are well on our way with the new plan!

I was flipping through my monthly Diabetes Forecast magazine today and I found this article:

Fats and Depression

What you eat may affect your mood. Researchers who studied more than 12,000 people for an average of six years found that consuming trans fats ups the risk for depression, while monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats protect against it. (Saturated fats weren’t studied.) At the start of the trial, no participants suffered from depression; by the end, 657 people were depressed. Those who ate plenty of trans fats had a 48 percent increased risk for depression compared with those who ate none. The researchers also found that olive oil was linked to a lower risk of being depressed.
Source: PLoS ONE, January 2011
Where the Fats Are
The good stuff: monounsaturated and polyunsaturatedCanola oil, corn oil, olive oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, avocado, peanut butter, salmon, herring, trout, walnuts
The bad stuff: transFast food, baked goods, margarine, cheese, whole-fat milk

Okay, so now  fats not only make you. . . well fat, but they also make you depressed!   

Here I thought I was depressed because of being fat, when in truth, it was the very act of eating fat that made me depressed.   Is it just me, or does this seem sorta poetic?

I'm sorry, even if it's bad for me, I don't think I could replace cheese with herring!  I do get the point though.  Fat bad, olive good!

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