Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Return of Myron!

I was getting ready for work this morning and when looked into the mirror and thought something was wrong.  It was, the chin that I had lost seemed to be attempting to show up again!  My stomach roiled  and I saw tears gathering in my eyes.  And from a dark corner of my brain, I heard Myron's maniacal laughter, and it was growing louder and louder by the moment!

Things just went down hill from there:
    • Ran out of the house without breakfast (boo boo number 1).
    • Felt weird and weak and tired - checked blood sugar = 59! (Lowest it has ever been)
    • Called hubby, that wonderful man brought me food! (blood sugar went back up)
    • 2 hours later, blood sugar was 73 - NOT GOOD!
    • Had a small snack - 10 minutes later - sugar was 142 - TOO HIGH!
It slowly dawned on me during throughout the day, that I had not been feeling well a lot lately.  My headaches are coming back with a vengeance!
For weeks now, I have heard a ringing in my ears.  Today I realized it wasn't ringing; it was that damn Myron laughing at me!

My wonderful, amazing hubby spent part of his day at home clearing the 'contraband' from the house.  I am a weak willed individual.  I have figured out that I can not have the stuff in the house.  If it is here, I will find it.

My best indicator that I was in trouble actually occurred the other day.  I had asked the boys bring me chocolate.  Which they did, and I waited until they were upstairs, or in the shower before I would eat it.  then, I made sure that all candy wrappers were disposed of and out of sight before my mom came over and saw it.

I am really beginning to worry about this food addiction thing!  It goes out of the house and I go back on a strict regime.

I feel humiliated by all of this.  This is not the way things are supposed to work.  I am not supposed to fall this far off the wagon.  Okay, I didn't just fall off the wagon, I jumped and then laid in the road and allowed the wagon to run me over a few times before I thought to get up out of the dirt and brush myself off.

The dirt is coming off and I am plotting Myron's next downfall!

1 comment:

  1. Please kick his butt! Anyone who has ever read you has had the snot kicked out of them over stuff too. Don't stop believing in Katie Bohler, cause she is someone to be reckoned with! ~a
