Wednesday, April 20, 2011


First of all, let me apologize for the infrequent posts lately.  I forgot what finals time was like!  WoW, this is kicking my "little" hiney!

If you haven't figured it out by now, I am a weirdness magnet.  As a matter of fact, there is a whole list of things that we now title - "S*&T that only happens to Katie".  Here is today's example:

Today was my appointment with the Dietitian at the Diabetes Education Center.  (That's part of the new plan!).  My mom went with me, because you should always take someone else with you to help digest the amount of information that you get.  (Pun intended!)

So, we are sitting there going over what I eat during the day and snacks and things like that.  This very nice woman looks at me with a rather strange look on her face and says "Katie, you are not eating enough carbs!"

Okay, so how many people go in to see a Diabetes Nutritionist and hears they are NOT eating enough carbs?!  ME, that's who!  Let the weirdness roll on!

I have a new plan, I'm working out the details and will let everyone know what that is as soon as I have all the logistics worked out.

I'm not quitting, I don't quit!  I reevaluate and regroup, but I don't quit!!

1 comment:

  1. standing by! p.s. that makes two weirdness magnets, if you count me in. ~a
