All is well, right? Well . . I noticed something recently that I had never really thought of before. When was the last time you read a romance novel that had an average sized or overweight heroine? Ever read one with a hero with a receding hairline or the beginning of a beer gut?
What is up with that? Can only "Pretty People" find mushy romantic love? What do the rest of us get?
I've been giving this some thought recently. Romance novels are predominately written by women, their major readership is women. Does that mean that we are perpetuating our own sterotypes? Why would we do that?

What would be the problem is the heroine was a size 12, and worked in an office somewhere? Wouldn't more of us be able to identify with that woman a bit better? Because really, how many women are really svelte, beautiful, and rich?
Can't 'real women' have a "Sweep you off your feet" romance?
Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. Do we really think that she wasn't beautiful? Men pined after her! Heck, men still pine for her.
These are the thoughts that stir in my brain at 3:00 AM. But seriously wouldn't you read a romance with a 'real' couple?
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