Thursday, September 22, 2011



division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought and action.

Why am I starting today's post with a definition?   Let me explain . . .

In my ongoing research I was watching the movie Super Size me.  If you haven't seen it, you should.

Here's the thing.  Our society continues to push more, more, more.  More fries in that box.  More soda in the cup, a larger piece of meat on the plate.  We are always pushed for more.  Seriously, do we need a box of fries that is bigger than your face?  

As a matter of fact, that should be a criteria:  Don't eat it if the container it is served in is bigger than your head!

Here is where the dichotomy comes in.  While we are pushing more, more, more food, we are also told, being overweight (or even normal size) is wrong, bad, and we should be shot if we can not fit into a size 0 outfit.

Here eat all this food, but you will be ostracized if you get too big.  No wonder there are so many gyms, we are not only trying to maintain that size 0, but we have to have somewhere to vent all the frustration?

How did this happen?  Who decides all this stuff.  We are a nation of over weight people because the food industry, the media and even the mom and pop places keep telling us we need to eat more.  Really, who needs a pancake that is bigger than a large dinner plate?  Do you really need a half gallon of soda for lunch?  And if you drink that half gallon of soda, does your boss care if you are spending all afternoon in the restroom?

No wonder so many of us are on anxiety and depression meds!  You have to be crazy to exist in our today's society!

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