Okay, I have an idea to get my self back on track. The
'great cookie incident' freaked me out more than I thought it had.
I am going to start a food journal. I have always hated to keep a food journal, but the cookies taught me that I have no idea what I am putting down my throat! Not only that, I think I have let my portions get out of hand as well.
I have been watching this program called Ruby. Yes, I have come late to the party where this program is concerned, but thanks to Netflix, I am up to the fourth season.
This is a truly inspirational woman. At her highest weight, she was 716 pounds. She is now in the lower 300s ( I am hoping she is lower than that by the end of the 4th season!)
Ruby has this wonderful counselor who gave her some wonderful advice that I think I am going to borrow. Ruby had gotten stuck, and was on a plateau where her weight was concerned. The counselor suggested that Ruby find five things, small things, that she could change in her environment to sort of 'shake things up'.
I am going to take that advice and see if I can find 5 things. Here is what I have so far:
- Keep a food/exercise/glucose journal.
- Measure everything I eat.
- Test blood sugar 3x per day (like I'm supposed to)
- Exercise, exercise, exercise (No matter how much I hate it!!!)
- Plan and prepare my meals so I'm set for school and band stuff!
Those are the five things that I that I think I can do to help myself out. I think that the journal is important because it will keep me accountable to myself. If I notate everything that I eat I have a record with which to hold myself accountable. My new motto is going to be"U bite it, U write it"!
But, what exactly do you write down in a food journal? I turned to one of my favorite sites Diabeticliving.com they always have the best ideas! Sure enough, they had an entire slide show on journaling:
Why Journaling Can Help.
According to the article, are six diabetes-related questions a food journal can help to answer:

- Am I eating healthfully?
- Am I eating consistently?
- How does eating affect my blood sugar?
- Are my medications working?
- How does exercise affect my blood sugar?
- Do I eat more when I'm upset, happy, bored, or sad?
The No. 1 rule of keeping a food journal: Be honest. Do it well or not at all. That mantra has merit when it comes to food journals. Remember that when keeping a journal, you're doing it for you -- not to please your dietitian or doctor. Be honest when filling it out. Don't say you ate a burger when you really had a cheeseburger or wheat bread when you had white.
That maybe hard for me, as I have discovered that where food is concerned, I am not honest with others, much less myself. This could be a real test for me.
Right now, though, all this has to take a backseat to what is happening to me physically. I have been sent to the ER twice in the last week for what apparently, is a gallbladder issue. We don't quite know what is happening yet, we are waiting on some tests to come back. But it looks as though, I may have to add a gallbladder diet on top of the diabetic diet.
I'm telling you, if this keeps up, I will not be able to eat anything!!
Off I go . . . to write in my new journal!!