Monday, August 22, 2011


So, I'm done feeling sorry for myself.  It was quite the little wallow I had!  Glad to be over it and to get back to business.

I do better with goals.  (Doesn't everybody?)  So, I set myself a goal.

Our anniversary is in early November.  I am planning something for that event.  I can not tell you all what exactly it is (Hubby reads the blog and I don't want to give anything away!)

So, if you want to know what the new goal is, send me an email or send me a message on Facebook and I will tell you what my plan is. . . Trust me, it's a good one!!

I am blessed to have such a wonderful man to spend my life with.  He is my rock and the love of my life.  What better motivation do I need? 

The boy is in on the secret and he will be helping to keep me accountable.

I'm inspired and re-energized!  Yes, my dad had a heart-attack when he was my age.  That doesn't mean I have to!!

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